1st year in Netherlands.

- The weather is not so bad or it's lucky year because it has a lot of sunny days last year. ☀️
- Cycling way here makes it a lot easier to go around than in Singapore. Texel 👉 Maastricht ✅ (llun.me/tags/ride/netherlands/)
- Last year spring is nice but it's colder than I thought (Thailand in March is already hot, ~32+ ℃ 🥵 but Netherlands is still hopping around 10℃ 🥶)
- Summer is the best! not too hot and long day! after finish work still have a plenty of time to cycling around.
- Autumn is also not so bad but it's more wet than sunny.
- Wayyyy too many museum, Zwolle next week!
- King day 👑 and New year eve 🎆 is too crazy for me.
- Garden in Spring here is really beautiful, way more than I expected especially Tulip farm 🌷

Now, looking forward for 2nd year