Hidden feature !

For those banners that don't fit into the ratio, it'll have Phanpy's usual "scroll-image" effect when hovered. Press-holding it, will "unmask" the banner and even the avatar 🦸‍♂️

This is on Safari, so the cursor somehow tries to select the text in the image 😅 I use so much CSS shadows/filters/masks that it causes rendering quirks 😂

Profile shown is @sarajw

changelog ✨

👥 Grouped favourites AND boosts notifications
🔤 Configurable text size
💱 Translation
- Works for spoiler/CW text, post content, poll text AND image description.
- Changeable “source” language selector for intricate cases like multilingual sentences.
✨ Beautiful profile sheets and pages
🚸 Additional prompt when posting or boosting statuses with media that has no description.
🐛 Bug fixes

🔗 https://phanpy.social

"What's new in Phanpy.Social" features collage

@cheeaun The cursor thing made me thought it's a hidden feature! 😅

@null more like macOS/iOS "hidden" feature 😂 I always forget that it works inside a browser (Safari) too, then thought it's a bug… 😅